
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
  • 【熱門住宿】新改建的100年老屋,乾淨安全的獨棟住宅【距孔德站5分鐘】
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icon 電視
icon 暖氣
icon 冰箱
icon 空調
icon 廚房
icon 烹飪基礎知識
icon 微波
icon 火爐
icon 淋浴用品
icon 基本項目
icon OTT TV
icon Towels
icon 餐具和銀器
icon 熱水壺
icon 吹風機
icon 洗衣機
icon 米機
icon 熱水
icon 乾衣機
icon laundry detergent
icon 捷運交通
icon Suitable for children (2-12 years)
icon 警報器(煙霧、一氧化碳)
icon 滅火器
icon 衣架
icon 衣物晾衣架
icon 清潔產品
icon Water dispenser
icon 餐桌
icon 烤麵包機
icon Coffee machine
icon Coffee and tea served
icon 酒杯
icon 急救箱
icon 鎖好臥室門
icon Wifi
icon 音響系統
icon 允許行李托運
icon Bed linens can be replaced for long-term stay (more than 1 month)
icon 私人客廳
icon 私人入口


  • icon 車站區域(中心)
  • icon 安靜的
  • icon 安全的
  • icon 城市的
  • icon 毗鄰漢江


「首爾之家(麻浦)首爾之家麻浦」是一棟乾淨的獨棟住宅,已完全改造成擁有 100 年歷史的現代韓屋。它位於一個安靜的住宅區。 - 共有2 間房間和1 間浴室(最多4 人) - 房間1:大床(2 人) - 房間2:超級單人雙層床(2 人) 1) 擁有12 年豐富的出租經驗,我們將指導和指導直接協助您辦理入住和退房手續。2) 預訂完成後,我們將透過 KakaoTalk 或 Messenger 提供有關住宿的詳細資訊。3) 大多數電視和有線頻道(包括體育和兒童頻道)和 Netflix可供觀看。 4)有一個小院子,所以很容易處理和回收廢物,並且可以保持乾淨的環境。 5) We Home 直接提供有關付款和收據證明的友善協助。 6) 完美便利的住宿地點(距離孔德步行5分鐘,可搭乘地鐵5號線、6號線、京義中央線、AREX仁川機場列車、機場巴士。7)易買得(3-步行1分鐘)8)在孔德站吃飯距離小巷步行5分鐘內有100多家餐廳和餐飲場所。 9) 孝昌公園就在住宿後面,汝矣島漢江公園也在附近。 10)每個房間均配備國際通用插頭,方便您使用海外使用的電子產品。 (*請務必確認產品是否相容於韓國 220V。)*請放心諮詢預訂。我們將盡力確保您擁有舒適的住宿體驗。 ^^




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Mapo-gu, Seoul, 韓國



  • 一晚 197,005 ₩KRW
  • 基准人數 4


  • 退款政策 Balance
  • 額外取消政策 For stays of 28 nights or more, the long-term cancellation policy is applied.



  • 精確性
  • 溝通
  • 清潔
  • 位置
  • 對該房東其他住宿的評價
  • 윤미

    저희 부부는 이 숙소에 머무르길 잘했다고 매일 이야기했어요. 격리중이었지만 굉장히 좋은 시간보냈습니다.
    아이들있은 가족이라면 고민없이 선택하시길 추천합니다. 추가로 필요한 생활용품이 하나도 필요없을 만큼 모든것이 다 구비되어 있어서 감탄했어요. 너무 깨끗하고 방미다 창문이 다 있어 매일 환기시키기도 좋았습니다

    배달은 20분내에 거의 도착했고 그덕에 일회용기가 많아 분리수거 양도 많았지만 마당에 분리수거함이 있어 전혀 불편함 없었습니다.
    새벽배송 물건이 문 밖에 있어걱정했지만 몇시간 지나도 물건은 그대로있어요.
    주택이라 추위때문에 가장 걱정했는데 집 전체가 너무 따뜻하고 욕실도 춥지않아 아이들 매일 샤워도 걱정없었어요. 눈이 두번왔는데 마당에서 실컷 눈맞으며 놀아서 아이들에게 너무 좋은 추억을 만들어줄 수 있어 좋았습니다.
    새벽에 도착해 식사 걱정말라고 첫끼니도 챙겨주시고 불편함 없이 지낼 수 있게 항상 신경써주셔서 너무 감사해요~

    Jan 2022
    谷歌翻譯 - 查看原產地
  • 의연

    4인가족이서 격리기간 포함하여 2주넘게 지냈습니다. 너무 청결하고 잘 정리되어, 지내는내내 편했습니다. 마당이 있어서, 가끔애들이 줄넘기하고 바람쐴수 있어서 큰 답답함 못느끼고 지냈네요. 세심하게 필요한 물건들을 다 갖추고 있어서 너무 좋았고, 격리후에는 타임스퀘어가 가까워서,걸어서 자주 방문했습니다. 호스트님께서 지내는동안 신경을 많이 써주시고, 친절하게, 문의사항 있을 때마다 바로바로 해결해주셔서, 맘편하게 지냈습니다. 모든면에서 최고의 호스트 / 최고의 숙소였고 아이들이 다음에 한국올때도 다시 가고 싶다고 하네요.

    Dec 2021
    谷歌翻譯 - 查看原產地
  • 3박4일 묵었습니다. 설명을 친절하게 잘해주셨고, 집상태도 매우 깨끗하고 정리정돈이 잘되어있었습니다. 마당이있어서 덜답답했고 첫날 점심식사준비를 해주셔서 너무 감사했고 필요한물품도 사다주셔서 감사했습니다. 3박4일동안 내집이라는 생각이들 정도로 잘 쉬었다 갑니다!

    Oct 2021
    谷歌翻譯 - 查看原產地
  • 재현

    사장님께서 참 친절하시고, 이용에 불편이 없게 많이 배려해 주시네요.

    Sep 2021
    谷歌翻譯 - 查看原產地
  • HANA

    아이들과 함께 지내야해서 마당있는 숙소를 선택했는데 너무 만족스러웠습니다.
    답답한 자가격리를 힘들지 않게 보낼 수 있었습니다.
    숙소도 너무 깔끔하고 예쁘게 꾸며져 있어서 아이들이 정말 여행 온거 같다고 하더라고요.
    중간중간 불편한 점이 있는지 체크해 주시고 바로바로 해결해주셔서 너무 편하게 지냈습니다.
    그외에도 아이들을 위해 세심하게 챙겨 주셔서 아이들이 여기 사장님 너무 친절하시다고 했어요.ㅎㅎ
    무더운 여름을 시원하게 보낼 수 있도록 해주셔서 아이들이 정말 좋아했어요
    오랜만에 나온 한국이었는데 덕분에 즐거운 마음으로 여정을 시작할 수 있게 되어 감사드립니다.

    Aug 2021
    谷歌翻譯 - 查看原產地
  • 병규

    격리 기간이 길어 걱정이 많았는데
    17박을 하면서 전혀 불편함 없이 잘지냈습니다.
    집도 깔끔하고 각종 도구들도 잘갖춰져 있고
    무엇보다 사장님이 친절하고 빠르게 대응해줘서
    정말 좋았네요.
    작은 마당에서 운동도 하고 바람도 쐬고
    격리 집으로 완전 강추입니다!

    Jul 2021
    谷歌翻譯 - 查看原產地
  • Lucas

    We spent our two weeks of quarantine with great comfort at this house. The host welcomed us with lots of food as we arrived at the place and kindly explained all necessary details. The house was well-organized and fully equipped. We found no single thing missing at the house, and the host was very attentive to fulfill all of our favors (he also surprised us with some delicious snacks!). My family could also get some sunlight and fresh air at the lawn in front of the house. Highly recommend it! :)

    Jul 2021
    谷歌翻譯 - 查看原產地
  • LEE

    We had a very comfortable two weeks of quarantine thanks to our super host Kenneth. He went above and beyond to make our two weeks in the house pleasant and comfortable, from being easily accessible to answering any questions we had, to generously surprising us with desserts/food dropped off at the house throughout the quarantine. The house itself was well-equipped with things that guests may have needed, such as extra adapters, snacks/bottled water, toothbrushes, rice cooker, and even a thermometer for daily government self-diagnosis. It house was also very clean, well-organized, and located in a quiet neighborhood despite being in close walking distance to Youngdeungpo train station/Times Square Mall/Shinsegae dept store. We did not run into any problems with online groceries/food deliveries not making it to our door. We also had to work remotely conferencing via Zoom and MS Teams in US time and had no issues with the internet. And the small lawn was perfect for getting some sun/fresh air or drying our clothes. Overall, we truly had a great experience staying in this house and would highly recommend it!

    May 2021
    谷歌翻譯 - 查看原產地
  • 수한

    At first we were worried about how we were going to be able to last during the two weeks of quarantine, but this house completely changed our minds. It was simply, perfect. The neighborhood was quiet and peaceful, and if we needed anything or had any questions, the host was always ready to answer them. For example, he took out the trash for us and even brought us food since we weren’t able to go outside. The interior was very clean and organized, and its three bedrooms and two showers were perfect for my family and I to stay in. Our biggest worry was about our daughter, who needed a place to attend online school while being in Korea. Our worries immediately disappeared when the house had desks and chairs that were free to use. On top of that, whenever we were feeling claustrophobic, we could just take a step outside the lawn and enjoy the fresh air and sunlight . And later, when we went outside after quarantine ended, there were many tourist attractions and restaurants around .

    May 2021
    谷歌翻譯 - 查看原產地
  • 주연

    처음 왔을 때 점심도 준비해주셨고 간식도 챙겨주시고 아이들 필요한 책상도 준비해주시고 침구류도 깨끗해서 이주동안 꿀잠잤습니다ㅎㅎ 나중에 꼭 또 이용하고 싶어요

    May 2021
    谷歌翻譯 - 查看原產地
11-20 20 個結果)
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You can save about $10 with wehome’s affordable service fee policy. You will save at least 50% of service fee comparing to Airbnb.

Save your money and enjoy Korea more.





退款政策: Balance

Standard cancellation policy : Balance

Balance: Full refund (including fees) if canceled at least 14 days before check-in

  • Guests can cancel until 14 days before check-in for a full refund, and the host won’t be paid.
  • If the cancellation occurs between 14 days and 1 day before check-in, 50% of the accommodation fee will be paid to the host. The service fee corresponding to the amount paid to the host will be deducted from the refund.
  • If they cancel after that, the host will be paid for each night they stay, plus 1 additional night, plus 50% for all unspent nights.
For long-term stays of 28 nights or more, the Long Term Firm cancellation policy applies instead of the standard refund policy set by the host.
The cleaning fee is refundable only if the reservation is canceled before check-in.
The service fee is refundable only for cancellations made before the check-in time or check-in.
If service fees are refundable, they will be refunded according to the percentage set by the cancellation policy.
The booking time is based on the final confirmation time, not the guest's booking request time.
The time and date applied to the cancellation policy are based on Korean Standard Time.
A reservation cancellation due to unavoidable reasons such as natural disasters may be eligible for a refund regardless of the refund policy.
View cancelation policy
退款政策: Long Term Firm

Long term Firm (28 nights or more): Full refund (including fees) if canceled at least 30 days before check-in

-It will apply to all stays of 28 days or longer and overrides your standard cancellation policy for those stays. To receive a full refund, guests must cancel at least 30 days before check-in.
-If a guest cancels after that, you’ll be paid 100% for all nights spent, plus 30 additional nights.
-If fewer than 30 days remain on the reservation when the guest cancels, you’ll be paid 100% for all of those remaining nights.
For long-term stays of 28 nights or more, the Long Term Firm cancellation policy applies instead of the standard refund policy set by the host.
The cleaning fee is refundable only if the reservation is canceled before check-in.
The service fee is refundable only for cancellations made before the check-in time or check-in.
If service fees are refundable, they will be refunded according to the percentage set by the cancellation policy.
The booking time is based on the final confirmation time, not the guest's booking request time.
The time and date applied to the cancellation policy are based on Korean Standard Time.
A reservation cancellation due to unavoidable reasons such as natural disasters may be eligible for a refund regardless of the refund policy.
View cancelation policy

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請檢查您來自 Wehome 的電子郵件以驗證您的電子郵件地址。


如需任何幫助,請通過 help@wehome.me 聯繫我們。