ジミー集[HBC] Fantastic rooftop&Cozy bedroom_2F

  • ジミー集[HBC] Fantastic rooftop&Cozy bedroom_2F
  • ジミー集[HBC] Fantastic rooftop&Cozy bedroom_2F
  • ジミー集[HBC] Fantastic rooftop&Cozy bedroom_2F
  • ジミー集[HBC] Fantastic rooftop&Cozy bedroom_2F
  • ジミー集[HBC] Fantastic rooftop&Cozy bedroom_2F
  • ジミー集[HBC] Fantastic rooftop&Cozy bedroom_2F
  • ジミー集[HBC] Fantastic rooftop&Cozy bedroom_2F
  • ジミー集[HBC] Fantastic rooftop&Cozy bedroom_2F
  • ジミー集[HBC] Fantastic rooftop&Cozy bedroom_2F
  • ジミー集[HBC] Fantastic rooftop&Cozy bedroom_2F
  • ジミー集[HBC] Fantastic rooftop&Cozy bedroom_2F
  • ジミー集[HBC] Fantastic rooftop&Cozy bedroom_2F
  • ジミー集[HBC] Fantastic rooftop&Cozy bedroom_2F
  • ジミー集[HBC] Fantastic rooftop&Cozy bedroom_2F
  • ジミー集[HBC] Fantastic rooftop&Cozy bedroom_2F
  • ジミー集[HBC] Fantastic rooftop&Cozy bedroom_2F
  • ジミー集[HBC] Fantastic rooftop&Cozy bedroom_2F
  • ジミー集[HBC] Fantastic rooftop&Cozy bedroom_2F
  • ジミー集[HBC] Fantastic rooftop&Cozy bedroom_2F
  • ジミー集[HBC] Fantastic rooftop&Cozy bedroom_2F
  • ジミー集[HBC] Fantastic rooftop&Cozy bedroom_2F
  • ジミー集[HBC] Fantastic rooftop&Cozy bedroom_2F
  • ジミー集[HBC] Fantastic rooftop&Cozy bedroom_2F
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icon テレビ
icon 暖房
icon エアコン
icon キッチン
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icon ヘアドライヤー
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icon 乾燥機
icon 警報器(煙、一酸化炭素)
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icon バーベキュー用品
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icon 寝室のドアに鍵をかける
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  • icon 静か
  • icon 安全
  • icon COVID Positive


ヘバンチョンが始まるところ、ジミーの家はヘバンチョンやソウルを観光される旅行者が滞在に良いホテルです。きちんと内装のベッドルームとリビングルームと様々な食器や調理器具が用意されたキッチンがあり、宿泊客専用屋上が造成されており、大切な人たちと楽しい集まりを持つに最適です。 【HBC]ヘバンチョンが開始されている家。ジミー家の3つの魅力1.ソウル旅行のための最適の位置ジミー家の位置は独特の感性と個性あふれるヘバンチョンが始まるところです。路地のあちこちに魅力あふれるバーやカフェ、パブやレストランが隠れ宝物のよう位置しているヘバンチョンは旧世界の感覚と新しい若い感覚が共存し作成された特有の感性や雰囲気を感じることができます。韓国の多くの若者たちに愛されているヘバンチョンはソウルを訪れた旅行者であれば、必ず経験み価値がある魅力的な旅行先です。同時にヘバンチョンはソウルの主要観光スポットの中に位置し、重要な旅行要衝でもあります。ジミー家のすぐ上に、ソウルのランドマーク南山タワーがその威容を誇っています。そして徒歩で移動可能な経理ダンギルと梨泰院(徒歩20分)、バスを一度に行くことができる南大門市場(202番バス5駅)、公共交通機関で20〜40分程度で行くことができる弘大。新沙洞、景福宮。龍山駅。など、多くの主要観光スポットがジミーの家の近くに位置しており、旅行と宿泊施設間の移動が簡単です。ジミーの家に滞在し、歴史、文化、公演、ショッピング、アートなど、ソウルのすべてを満喫できる旅を体験してください。 2.居心地の良い、便利な施設。ジミーの家は旅行者のための様々なタイプの宿泊施設を保有しています。合理的な価格の個室。居心地の良い快適な家全体。自分の旅行の目的に合った宿泊施設を選択することができます。 (現在選択した宿泊施設は、2階建ての家全体です。)もちろん、どのような種類の宿泊施設を選択しても、あなたは、居心地の良いベッドルームと一緒にジミーの家の様々な施設をすべて利用することができます。近代的できれいなトイレ、様々な食器や調理器具が備えられているキッチン快適で実用的なリビングルーム。旅行者のための様々な付帯施設など3.思い出を作る美しい景色の良い場所にある便利な設備の宿泊施設といっても、窓の外に他の建物の壁だけに見える宿なら物足りなさが残るものです。ジミー家のリビング窓から見えるソウルの美しい景色は、旅行者に、日常からの解放感と自由を提供します。リビングの窓際に設けたテーブルで魅力的なソウルの全景を楽しみながら思索にロックしたり、コーヒーと一緒に読書に夢中になってみてはいかがでしょう?天気の良い日には、友達と一緒にジミーの家宿泊客専用屋上からソウルの全景と南山タワーの姿を目に塀た友達とバーベキューを楽しみながら楽しい思い出を作ってみるのもお勧めです。


1. No Smoking at all time

Our house is no smoking house. Smoking is only available at the designated place out side. In case of smoking in the house, we will ask for immediate check out.

2. No Noise after 10PM.

Our house is located in cozy and calm place. As many residence does, making noise after 10PM is very disrespectful behavior to neighbors and other guests.

3. No take care house as it is yours.

Please take care of this house as it is your house. Any damage or contamination may result request of equal compensation for replacement, compensation for closing down and relocation fee for expected future booking.

4. Safety first!

Our house has knife and induction systems for your own convenience. Please pay attention for using induction and knives. We do not responsible for any injury or damage caused by guest's lack of attention.

5. Don't over maximum number of guest

Number of additional guest should not exceed its original maximum number of guest.

6. Be careful for any lost

Our house has main gate lock and lock for each room. Please make sure your P/W remain secret. And ensure it is closed at all time. We do not responsible for any lost due to lack of guest's attention.

7. No any illegal activities.

We strictly do not allow any illegal activities at all time. If our house should hold closed due to government investigation, we will ask for compensation to guest for house closure and future guest relocation.


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Yongsan-gu, Seoul, 대한민국



  • 1泊あたり 95,000 ₩KRW
  • クリーニング料金 25,000 ₩KRW
  • 標準宿泊人数 4
  • 追加料金 15,000 ₩KRW


  • チェックインの時間 3:00pm
  • チェックアウトの時間 12:00pm
  • リターンポリシー Balance
  • 追加のキャンセルポリシー For stays of 28 nights or more, the long-term cancellation policy is applied.



  • 正確性
  • コミュニケーション
  • 清潔さ
  • ロケーション
  • homeGPT

    이 숙소는 가족이나 친구들과 함께 머무르기에 아주 적합한 곳입니다. 난방이 잘되어 있어 따뜻하게 지낼 수 있으며, 여러 명이 머무르기에 충분한 공간을 제공합니다. 호스트의 빠른 응답과 친절한 안내 덕분에 체크인 과정이 매우 수월했습니다. 숙소는 청결하고 편안한 분위기로, 친구의 원룸에 놀러 온 것처럼 자유롭게 지낼 수 있습니다. 서울 중심가에 위치하여 여러 지역의 지인들과 만나기도 좋습니다.

    추천 태그:
    1. 가족여행 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
    2. 친구들과 🤝
    3. 따뜻한 숙소 🔥
    4. 청결함 🧼
    5. 편안한 분위기 🏡

    Feb 2024
    Googleによる翻訳 - 起源を参照
  • 동현

    잘지내다 갑니다.

    Jul 2021
    Googleによる翻訳 - 起源を参照
  • このホストの他の施設のレビュー
  • homeGPT

    이 숙소에서는 친구들과 아름다운 동네에서 편한 시간을 보낼 수 있었어요. 깨끗함과 호스트의 세심한 배려가 돋보였으며, 위치가 좋고 주변에 음식점과 편의점이 잘 갖춰져 있어 편리했습니다. 숙소는 깨끗하고 아늑했으며, 즐길 거리가 많은 해방촌과 가까워 좋았어요. 다만, 주방의 청결 상태가 조금 아쉬웠지만, 빠른 응답과 친절한 호스트 덕분에 즐겁게 머물 수 있었습니다. 이 숙소는 연말을 따뜻한 기억으로 채울 수 있는 완벽한 장소였어요.

    추천 태그:
    1. 🏡 #아늑한숙소
    2. 🎉 #친구와함께
    3. 🍴#훌륭한위치
    4. 🙏#친절한호스트
    5. 🍷#편의시설완비

    Feb 2024
    Googleによる翻訳 - 起源を参照
  • Amaal

    I've spent my 14 days quarantine and more with my family there. Great location everything I need it is around. It was clean, comfortable and well organized apartment, and had everything I needed for my stay. The bed was super comfortable also the living room is fantastic and wide.
    The rooftop is mazing and clean specially in sun raise and sunset, beautiful view
    The host was very helpful and good at communicating and so kind
    Highly recommend this place
    When I visit Seoul next time, I would definitely stay here again.

    Sep 2021
    Googleによる翻訳 - 起源を参照
4 結果中 1-4
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You can save about $10 with wehome’s affordable service fee policy. You will save at least 50% of service fee comparing to Airbnb.

You may check the higher service fee of Airbnb for the same property at here.

Save your money and enjoy Korea more.

へのメッセージ 승현 권

ジミー集[HBC] Fantastic rooftop&Cozy bedroom_2F



リターンポリシー: Balance

Standard cancellation policy : Balance

Balance: Full refund (including fees) if canceled at least 14 days before check-in

  • Guests can cancel until 14 days before check-in for a full refund, and the host won’t be paid.
  • If the cancellation occurs between 14 days and 1 day before check-in, 50% of the accommodation fee will be paid to the host. The service fee corresponding to the amount paid to the host will be deducted from the refund.
  • If they cancel after that, the host will be paid for each night they stay, plus 1 additional night, plus 50% for all unspent nights.
For long-term stays of 28 nights or more, the Long Term Firm cancellation policy applies instead of the standard refund policy set by the host.
The cleaning fee is refundable only if the reservation is canceled before check-in.
The service fee is refundable only for cancellations made before the check-in time or check-in.
If service fees are refundable, they will be refunded according to the percentage set by the cancellation policy.
The booking time is based on the final confirmation time, not the guest's booking request time.
The time and date applied to the cancellation policy are based on Korean Standard Time.
A reservation cancellation due to unavoidable reasons such as natural disasters may be eligible for a refund regardless of the refund policy.
View cancelation policy
リターンポリシー: Long Term Firm

Long term Firm (28 nights or more): Full refund (including fees) if canceled at least 30 days before check-in

-It will apply to all stays of 28 days or longer and overrides your standard cancellation policy for those stays. To receive a full refund, guests must cancel at least 30 days before check-in.
-If a guest cancels after that, you’ll be paid 100% for all nights spent, plus 30 additional nights.
-If fewer than 30 days remain on the reservation when the guest cancels, you’ll be paid 100% for all of those remaining nights.
For long-term stays of 28 nights or more, the Long Term Firm cancellation policy applies instead of the standard refund policy set by the host.
The cleaning fee is refundable only if the reservation is canceled before check-in.
The service fee is refundable only for cancellations made before the check-in time or check-in.
If service fees are refundable, they will be refunded according to the percentage set by the cancellation policy.
The booking time is based on the final confirmation time, not the guest's booking request time.
The time and date applied to the cancellation policy are based on Korean Standard Time.
A reservation cancellation due to unavoidable reasons such as natural disasters may be eligible for a refund regardless of the refund policy.
View cancelation policy

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