안녕하세요! Watanabe Tom 입니다!

회원가입일 09/04/2018
Hi there!
My name is Tom .
i live in Kobe with my family.
I'm running the host of airbnb with my friend(his name is Yo)

We aren't good at English, but we will do our best for our guests.

My hobbies, likes cooking and music ,out door ,traveling,art

We want to make friends all over the world.
If you want to eat dinner and lunch with us,
Please feel free to ask us!
We want to spend with you too!

My work is interior space director, share house owner.

Osakan people has a warm heart gentle kind person. By all means, please have a enjoy.

we are looking forward to meet all around world people
N 네이버 로그인

K 카카오 로그인

F 페이스북 로그인

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