(201) Itaewon Gyeongnidan 10-minute walk from Noksapyeong Station, well-lit accommodation

  • (201) Itaewon Gyeongnidan 10-minute walk from Noksapyeong Station, well-lit accommodation
  • (201) Itaewon Gyeongnidan 10-minute walk from Noksapyeong Station, well-lit accommodation
  • (201) Itaewon Gyeongnidan 10-minute walk from Noksapyeong Station, well-lit accommodation
  • (201) Itaewon Gyeongnidan 10-minute walk from Noksapyeong Station, well-lit accommodation
  • (201) Itaewon Gyeongnidan 10-minute walk from Noksapyeong Station, well-lit accommodation
  • (201) Itaewon Gyeongnidan 10-minute walk from Noksapyeong Station, well-lit accommodation
  • (201) Itaewon Gyeongnidan 10-minute walk from Noksapyeong Station, well-lit accommodation
  • (201) Itaewon Gyeongnidan 10-minute walk from Noksapyeong Station, well-lit accommodation
  • (201) Itaewon Gyeongnidan 10-minute walk from Noksapyeong Station, well-lit accommodation
  • (201) Itaewon Gyeongnidan 10-minute walk from Noksapyeong Station, well-lit accommodation
  • (201) Itaewon Gyeongnidan 10-minute walk from Noksapyeong Station, well-lit accommodation
  • (201) Itaewon Gyeongnidan 10-minute walk from Noksapyeong Station, well-lit accommodation
  • (201) Itaewon Gyeongnidan 10-minute walk from Noksapyeong Station, well-lit accommodation
  • (201) Itaewon Gyeongnidan 10-minute walk from Noksapyeong Station, well-lit accommodation
  • (201) Itaewon Gyeongnidan 10-minute walk from Noksapyeong Station, well-lit accommodation
  • (201) Itaewon Gyeongnidan 10-minute walk from Noksapyeong Station, well-lit accommodation
  • (201) Itaewon Gyeongnidan 10-minute walk from Noksapyeong Station, well-lit accommodation
  • (201) Itaewon Gyeongnidan 10-minute walk from Noksapyeong Station, well-lit accommodation
  • (201) Itaewon Gyeongnidan 10-minute walk from Noksapyeong Station, well-lit accommodation
  • (201) Itaewon Gyeongnidan 10-minute walk from Noksapyeong Station, well-lit accommodation
  • (201) Itaewon Gyeongnidan 10-minute walk from Noksapyeong Station, well-lit accommodation
  • (201) Itaewon Gyeongnidan 10-minute walk from Noksapyeong Station, well-lit accommodation
  • (201) Itaewon Gyeongnidan 10-minute walk from Noksapyeong Station, well-lit accommodation
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Property type
Room Type
Bed type
Minimum stay(night)

Main keywords


icon TV
icon Heating
icon Refrigerator
icon Air Conditioning
icon Kitchen
icon Microwave
icon Stove
icon Shower supplies
icon Basic items(Bed sheets, soap, toilet paper)
icon OTT TV
icon Towels
icon Dishes and silverware
icon Hot water kettle
icon Hair Dryer
icon Washer
icon Hot water
icon Subway Access(within 500 meters of walking distance)
icon Budget
icon Fire Extinguisher
Bedroom and laundry
icon Extra pillows and blankets on demand
icon Shower
Kitchen and dining
icon Dining table
Home safety
icon Lock on bedroom door
icon Wifi
icon Netflix
icon Luggage dropoff allowed
icon Bed linens can be replaced for long-term stay (more than 1 month)


  • icon Subway Access
  • icon Budget
  • icon Calm
  • icon Secure
  • icon Nightlife


Enjoy a relaxing stay in our centrally located yet quiet accommodation.

House Rule

Check-in time is 4:00 PM and check-out time is 12:00 PM. An additional fee of 20,000 won per hour will be charged for early check-in/late check-out, so please be on time. Parking is not possible in the building. Parking in front of the accommodation is not possible due to concerns about towing and illegal parking enforcement. If you need parking, please use the public parking lot about a 5-6 minute walk from the accommodation. *This is just a suggestion and you can use it elsewhere. - Itaewon Public Parking Lot: 55 Hoenamu-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul Usage Guide Although we informed you about the accommodation in the introduction, the soundproofing of the accommodation is weak and it is a quiet neighborhood with narrow spaces between houses, so when loud noises are made, complaints are filed from the houses next door and below. . We would like to inform you once more before visiting that this is an unsuitable space for those who need a loud atmosphere with lovers or friends, or for noisy parties. If you plan to film indoors, such as for commercial purposes or personal photography, please be sure to notify us in advance.


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Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea



  • per night 80,000 ₩KRW
  • Per Night Weekend 130,000 ₩KRW
  • Cleaning fee 10,000 ₩KRW
  • Standard guest number 2
  • Charge for each extra guest 40,000 ₩KRW


  • Cancellation Policy Firm
  • Additional cancellation policy For stays of 28 nights or more, the long-term cancellation policy is applied.


Overall satisfaction

  • Accuracy
  • Communication
  • Cleanliness
  • Location
  • 가은

    숙소 구하기가 정말 마땅치 않거나 비슷한 조건의 다른 숙소와 금액 차이가 꽤 많이 났을 때에 후보로 고려해볼 만한 숙소라고 생각됩니다.

    1. 응답이 굉장히 느립니다.
    -지금껏 이용해본 모든 숙소를 통틀어서 가장 연락이 느렸어요
    -많이 양보해서 체크인 전에는 그렇다 쳐도 숙박 당일에는 실시간으로 어떤 문의사항이 들어올지 모르는 건데 간단한 문의사항에 대한 답조차 2시간 30분이 지나고 나서야 오더라고요
    -체크인 몇 주 전 두어 번 추가 문의사항을 남겼었는데 예약확정되기 전까지만 응답이 빠르고 그 뒤로는 8시간 지나서 겨우 연락 받은 적도 있었습니다.
    -심지어 체크아웃한다는 메시지는 지금 이틀째 돼가는데 읽지도 않으셨네요

    2. 제공해주는 서비스에 비해 요구사항이 많다고 느꼈습니다.
    -예약 확정 후 받은 준수사항을 보니 꽤 깐깐하고 엄격한 느낌이 들어 더 신경써서 조심히 이용해야겠다는 생각과 동시에 게스트에게 이 정도로 바란다면 그만큼 위생이나 청결 상태만큼은 믿고 가도되겠구나 싶었는데요
    -화장실 환풍구는 언제 청소했는지도 모를 정도로 까만 먼지가 껴있고, 침대 바로 옆 떡하니 있는 유리 탁자 위에도 먼지가 쌓여있더라고요 그렇게 대놓고 큼지막하게 있는 탁자 위도 청소가 안돼있는데 다른 곳은 뭐 얼마나 신경써서 청소했을지 의문이었습니다.
    -큰방 전신거울 밑 러그도 세탁을 한 게 그 상태라면 새 걸로 바꿔야 될 것 같네요 지인들이랑 이렇게 밟기 싫은 러그는 살면서 처음이라는 말까지 나왔어요
    -까다롭다 느껴진 만큼 저도 까다롭게 더 말해보면 신발장 문도 조명에 비춰져서 보니 지문인지 모를 자국들에, 위에서 액체가 흘러내려 굳은 자국이 그대로 보이더라구요 청소 업체를 쓴 게 이 정도라면 업체 바꾸시는게 나을 것 같아요
    -응답은 느리고, 숙소 청결 상태는 이렇지, 이 와중에 체크인·아웃 시간은 3-12시도 아닌 4-11시고, 환불정책은 가장 엄격한 단계라 환불도 쉽지 않았으니...제공받은 것에 비해 바라는 게 더 많다고 느껴졌네요.

    3. 숙소에 구비된 비품이 뭔지 안내되어 있으면 좋겠어요.
    -짐쌀 때 집기류나 자잘한 생활용품들 뭐뭐 있는지 확인하고 챙기는 편인데 위홈에는 안 적혀 있어서 에어비앤비로 따로 들어가서 확인했네요

    좋았던 점은 생각지 못하게 폼클렌징이 구비되어 있었던 것과 응답만은 친절하게 해주셨던 것, 바로 앞에 편의점이 있다는 것 말고는 없었네요 웬만하면 좋게좋게 넘어가자는 주의인데도 이건 좀 아닌 것 같아서 귀찮음을 무릅쓰고 긴 글 남깁니다.

    I think this is a place to consider when you really have a hard time finding a place to stay or when the price difference from other places with similar conditions is quite large. 1. The response is extremely slow. - Out of all the places I've stayed, this was the slowest in terms of contact. - They make many concessions, so even before check-in, it may be like that, but on the day of the stay, you never know what kind of inquiries you might have in real time, and they took 2 hours and 30 minutes to respond to even a simple inquiry. - I left a couple of additional inquiries a few weeks before check-in, but they responded quickly until the reservation was confirmed, and after that, it took 8 hours for them to contact me. - They didn't even read the message saying they were checking out for the second day. 2. I felt that they were demanding compared to the service they provide. -After confirming the reservation, I saw that the compliance guidelines I received felt quite strict and meticulous, so I thought that I should be more careful and pay more attention when using them. At the same time, I thought that if they expected this much from guests, I could trust that they would at least be providing hygiene and cleanliness. -The bathroom exhaust vent was covered in black dust to the point that I couldn't tell when it had been cleaned, and there was also dust piled up on the glass table right next to the bed. If even the top of that large, blatant table wasn't cleaned, I wondered how much care they took in cleaning the other areas. -If the rug under the full-length mirror in the master bedroom is in that condition after being washed, it seems like it needs to be replaced. My friends and I even said that this was the first time in our lives that we didn’t want to step on a rug. -If I were to be picky, I would be even more picky. When I looked at the shoe cabinet door under the light, I could see marks that weren’t fingerprints, and there were hardened marks from liquid that had dripped down from above. If this is the extent of the cleaning service we used, I think it would be better to change service providers. -The response was slow, and the cleanliness of the accommodation was like this. Meanwhile, the check-in and check-out times were 4-11, not 3-12, and the refund policy was the strictest, so getting a refund wasn’t easy...I felt like I was asking for more than I was given. 3. It would be nice if there was a description of the amenities provided in the accommodation. -When packing, I usually check and pack household items and small daily necessities, but since it wasn't written on the homepage, I went to Airbnb separately to check. The only good things were that foam cleanser was provided unexpectedly, the staff were kind enough to respond, and there was a convenience store right in front, other than that, there wasn't much. I usually try to get things over with amicably, but this didn't seem right, so I'm leaving a long comment despite the inconvenience.

    Dec 2024
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  • 홍기

    사진보다 실물이 훨씬 좋습니다. 매우 아늑했고 차분했습니다. 화장실이 좀 작은 부분과 변기 물소리가 상당히 큰점이 단점입니다. 위치도 조용한 주거지 쪽이라 편하게 머물다 갑니다. 캐리어를 끌고가기에는 오르막이 좀 힘들수 있습니다

    The actual product is much better than the photo. It was very cozy and calm. The only downside is that the bathroom is a bit small and the toilet is quite noisy. The location is in a quiet residential area, so it is comfortable to stay. The uphill climb can be a bit difficult to drag a carrier.

    Oct 2024
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  • 원준

    위치나 그런것은 좋앆지만, 생각 보다 청결하지 못한 부분이 있었어요.

    1. 거실 테이블 : 거실 테이블 표면이 매우 찍찍했습니다. 마치 스티커를 붙여놧다가 떼어낸것처럼...
    2. 화장실도 머리카락이 벽면에 붙어잇었어요 ㅠㅜ
    3. 티비 리모컨을 도저히 찾지 못해서 침대 아래를 설마해서보앗더니 리모컨이 침대 프레임 아래에 있었습니다. 청결과 정리가 되어있지않앗는데 이게 일반적인건지 아니면 제가 머무를때만 그랬는지 모르겠습니다.

    그리고 반지하라 습도가 정말 높았는데, 미리 제습기를 틀어주셧더라면 좋앗을 것 같습니다(방안에 제습기가 잇어서요)

    The location and such were good, but there were some parts that were less clean than I expected. 1. Living room table: The surface of the living room table was very scratchy. It was as if a sticker had been put on and then taken off... 2. There was hair stuck to the wall in the bathroom as well. 3. I couldn't find the TV remote control, so I looked under the bed and found the remote control under the bed frame. It wasn't clean and organized, but I don't know if this is normal or it only happened when I stayed. And the humidity was really high, so it would have been better if you had turned on a dehumidifier in advance (there is a dehumidifier in the room).

    Mar 2024
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Message to진우이

(201) Itaewon Gyeongnidan 10-minute walk from Noksapyeong Station, well-lit accommodation


Tell what you like about their place, what matters most about your accomodations, or ask them a question.
Please enter your check-in and check-out dates before messaging the host.

Cancellation Policy: Firm

Standard cancellation policy : Firm

  • If the guest cancels the reservation at least 30 days before check-in, they can receive a full refund, including any fees.
  • If the cancellation occurs between 30 days and 7 days before check-in, 50% of the accommodation fee will be paid to the host. The service fee corresponding to the amount paid to the host will be deducted from the refund.
  • If the cancellation occurs within 7 days of check-in, the full accommodation fee will be paid to the host. No refund will be given for the accommodation fee or service fee.
  • If the guest cancels within 48 hours of the reservation request and there are more than 14 days until check-in, they can receive a full refund.
Important Notes
For long-term stays of 28 nights or more, the Long Term Firm cancellation policy applies instead of the standard refund policy set by the host.
The cleaning fee is refundable only if the reservation is canceled before check-in.
The service fee is refundable only for cancellations made before the check-in time or check-in.
If service fees are refundable, they will be refunded according to the percentage set by the cancellation policy.
The booking time is based on the final confirmation time, not the guest's booking request time.
The time and date applied to the cancellation policy are based on Korean Standard Time.
A reservation cancellation due to unavoidable reasons such as natural disasters may be eligible for a refund regardless of the refund policy.
View cancelation policy
Cancellation Policy: Long Term Firm

Long term Firm (28 nights or more): Full refund (including fees) if canceled at least 30 days before check-in

-It will apply to all stays of 28 days or longer and overrides your standard cancellation policy for those stays. To receive a full refund, guests must cancel at least 30 days before check-in.
-If a guest cancels after that, you’ll be paid 100% for all nights spent, plus 30 additional nights.
-If fewer than 30 days remain on the reservation when the guest cancels, you’ll be paid 100% for all of those remaining nights.
Important Notes
For long-term stays of 28 nights or more, the Long Term Firm cancellation policy applies instead of the standard refund policy set by the host.
The cleaning fee is refundable only if the reservation is canceled before check-in.
The service fee is refundable only for cancellations made before the check-in time or check-in.
If service fees are refundable, they will be refunded according to the percentage set by the cancellation policy.
The booking time is based on the final confirmation time, not the guest's booking request time.
The time and date applied to the cancellation policy are based on Korean Standard Time.
A reservation cancellation due to unavoidable reasons such as natural disasters may be eligible for a refund regardless of the refund policy.
View cancelation policy

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