[Duplicated] (Jongno) 3 bedroom + 1 bathroom.

  • [Duplicated] (Jongno) 3 bedroom + 1 bathroom.
  • [Duplicated] (Jongno) 3 bedroom + 1 bathroom.
  • [Duplicated] (Jongno) 3 bedroom + 1 bathroom.
  • [Duplicated] (Jongno) 3 bedroom + 1 bathroom.
  • [Duplicated] (Jongno) 3 bedroom + 1 bathroom.
  • [Duplicated] (Jongno) 3 bedroom + 1 bathroom.
  • [Duplicated] (Jongno) 3 bedroom + 1 bathroom.
  • [Duplicated] (Jongno) 3 bedroom + 1 bathroom.
  • [Duplicated] (Jongno) 3 bedroom + 1 bathroom.
  • [Duplicated] (Jongno) 3 bedroom + 1 bathroom.
  • [Duplicated] (Jongno) 3 bedroom + 1 bathroom.
  • [Duplicated] (Jongno) 3 bedroom + 1 bathroom.
  • [Duplicated] (Jongno) 3 bedroom + 1 bathroom.
  • [Duplicated] (Jongno) 3 bedroom + 1 bathroom.
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1 of 14
Property type
Room Type
Bed type
Minimum stay(night)

Main keywords


icon Heating
icon Air Conditioning
icon Kitchen
icon Microwave
icon Towels
icon Hair Dryer
icon Washer
icon Alarm(Smoke, Carbon monoxide)
icon Fire Extinguisher
icon Shower
Home safety
icon First Aid Kit
icon Lock on bedroom door
icon Wifi


This is a guest house made by repairing an old house. Although it is an old townhouse, we strive to make the environment as comfortable and safe as possible. Moreover, you can rest assured that there are no toxic substances from new building materials such as sick house syndrome. It consists of 3 cute rooms, a small living room/kitchen, and a bathroom. It can accommodate up to 6 people and has a good transportation location within the four gates, so it has been visited by many tourists for many years. I think the most worrying part of many people when they are staying at a lodging facility instead of their own is the cleanliness issue. The cleaning staff who have worked with us for many years are not people who have worked at accommodation companies from the beginning, but people who have been trained for a clean cleaning service with me. We do not deceive our guests by choosing a cleaning method that takes a long time to clean our house rather than a manual, and does the standard cleaning method. Moreover, more than 90% of my customers are families with children, so I can relieve some of the discomfort in general accommodations. I have been a superhost for more than 14 quarters on Airbnb and Booking.com and have received awards every year.

House Rule

Please take off your shoes indoors. No parties. no smoking. Pets are not allowed.


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Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea



  • per night 140,000 ₩KRW
  • Cleaning fee 60,000 ₩KRW
  • Standard guest number 4
  • Charge for each extra guest 12,000 ₩KRW


  • Cancellation Policy Balance
  • Additional cancellation policy For stays of 28 nights or more, the long-term cancellation policy is applied.


Overall satisfaction

  • Accuracy
  • Communication
  • Cleanliness
  • Location
  • homeGPT

    우리 가족 모두 이 아파트에서 매우 즐거운 시간을 보냈습니다. 위치가 좋고 접근성이 뛰어나며 편리했습니다. 도착 과정이 매우 순조로웠으며, 호스트는 친절하고 언제든지 도움을 줄 수 있었습니다.

    태그: 📍위치좋음, 🏠가족친화적, 🚪순조로운체크인, 😊친절한호스트, 🚶편리한접근성

    Our whole family had a great time in this apartment. The location was good, easily accessible and convenient. The arrival process was very smooth, and the hosts were friendly and available to help at any time. Tags: ?Good location, ?Family friendly, ?Smooth check-in, ?Friendly host, ?Convenient accessibility

    Feb 2024
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  • Reviews for this host's other properties
  • 덕준

    Aug 2024
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  • homeGPT

    이 숙소는 깨끗하고 잘 정돈되어 있으며, 대가족도 편안하게 머물 수 있습니다. 특히 위치가 매우 좋아 서울 내 주요 관광지에 쉽게 접근할 수 있습니다. 호스트는 매우 친절하고, 응답도 빠르며, 손님을 위해 신경을 많이 쓰는 것이 느껴집니다. 주변에 다양한 지하철 노선이 있어 이동이 편리합니다. 숙소에는 기본적인 생활 필수품이 잘 갖추어져 있어 장기 체류에도 적합합니다.

    추천 태그:
    1. 📍 위치 좋음
    2. 🏠 깨끗한 숙소
    3. 🌟 친절한 호스트
    4. 🚆 쉬운 대중교통 접근
    5. 🍞 추가 서비스 (무료 간식 등)

    The property is clean, well-appointed and can accommodate large families comfortably. In particular, the location is very good, allowing easy access to major tourist attractions in Seoul. The host is very friendly, quick to respond, and you can feel that he cares a lot about his guests. There are various subway lines nearby, making transportation convenient. The accommodation is well equipped with basic necessities and is suitable for longer stays. Recommended tags: 1. ? Good location 2. ? Clean accommodation 3. ? Friendly host 4. ? Easy access to public transportation 5. ? Additional services (free snacks, etc.)

    Feb 2024
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  • homeGPT

    이 숙소는 따뜻한 물이 잘 나오고 친절한 호스트가 매우 반응이 좋아 편안한 체류를 도왔습니다. 광장시장을 비롯해 여러 지하철 역과 창덕궁까지 걸어갈 수 있는 훌륭한 위치에 있어, 가족 단위 여행객에게 적합합니다. 몇몇 도전적인 부분이 있었으나, 기본적인 필요를 충족시키고 주변에 맛집과 카페가 많아 만족스러운 경험이었습니다. 공간은 다소 협소하게 느껴질 수 있으나, 예산을 고려하는 여행자에게 적합합니다. 호스트의 세심한 배려, 예를 들어 늦은 시간에도 질문에 답해주거나 빵을 제공하는 등, 여행자들의 체류를 더욱 편안하게 만들었습니다.

    추천 태그:
    1. 📍 #위치좋음
    2. 🚶‍♂️ #도보여행
    3. 🏠 #가족여행
    4. 🍲 #맛집근처
    5. 🙏 #친절한호스트

    This accommodation has good warm water and the friendly host was very responsive, helping to ensure a comfortable stay. It is in an excellent location within walking distance to Gwangjang Market, several subway stations, and Changdeokgung Palace, making it ideal for families. Although there were some challenging parts, it was a satisfying experience as basic needs were met and there were many good restaurants and cafes nearby. The space may feel a bit small, but it is suitable for budget-conscious travelers. The host's thoughtful consideration, such as answering questions or providing bread even at late hours, made travelers' stay more comfortable. Recommended tags: 1. ? #Good location 2. ?‍♂️ #Walking trip 3. ? #Family trip 4. ? #Near good restaurants 5. ? #Friendly host

    Feb 2024
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  • homeGPT

    숙소에서의 체류는 즐거웠으며, 모든 것이 청결했고 벌레가 전혀 없었습니다. 주방에는 필요한 모든 도구가 갖춰져 있었고, 실내 장식이 아름다웠습니다. 집에서 제공하는 슬리퍼는 훌륭한 추가품이었고, 숙소 이용에 대한 주의사항과 규칙이 담긴 안내서가 있었습니다. 물은 다소 탁했지만, 전반적으로 문제가 없는 숙박이었습니다.

    1. 🧼 청결함
    2. 🏡 아름다운 인테리어
    3. 🍴 잘 갖춰진 주방
    4. 📖 이용 안내서 제공
    5. 🥿 편안한 슬리퍼 제공

    The stay at the property was enjoyable, everything was clean and there were no bugs at all. The kitchen had all the necessary utensils and the décor was beautiful. The slippers provided by the house were a great addition, and there was a brochure with instructions and rules for using the property. The water was a bit murky, but overall it was a trouble-free stay. Tags: 1. ? Cleanliness 2. ? Beautiful interior 3. ? Well-equipped kitchen 4. ? User guide provided 5. ? Comfortable slippers provided

    Feb 2024
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  • 영택

    2박 3일 묵었는데 침대가 넉넉해서 좋았고 쾌적하게 지냈습니다 ㅎㅎ 방 중 에어컨 하나가 좀 시끄럽긴 했는데 전 별로 신경안쓰는 편이라 편히 잤습니다.

    I stayed for 2 nights and 3 days, and the bed was nice and comfortable. One of the air conditioners in the room was a bit noisy, but I didn't mind that much, so I slept comfortably.

    Aug 2023
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  • 소영

    사진과 동일하게 깔끔하고 방 넓고 좋았습니다.
    이튼날 호스트님의 깜짝 선물까지 섬세함이 느껴졌습니다.
    주변에 목욕탕 편의점 식당등등 편의 시절이 잘되어있어 좋았습니다.
    딱 한가지 단점은 부엌에 젖가락이 짝이 안맞다는거~~~ ^^!!
    젖가락 짝 맞춰주세요~~^^

    Just like the photo, it was clean, spacious and nice. I could feel the delicacy of even the surprise gift from the host the next day. It was nice to have good convenience facilities such as a bathroom, convenience store, and restaurant nearby. The only drawback is that the chopsticks do not match in the kitchen~~~ ^^!! Please match your chopsticks~~^^

    Jan 2023
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  • 미경

    1.입실시 정말 깨끗한 청소상태에 감탄함.
    2.침대 5개 모두 스프링 상태 좋음.
    3.침구, 넉넉하게 준비된 큰 수건들 깔끔하고 좋음.
    4.화장실 배수나 샤워기 압력 문제 없음.
    5.햇살이 늘 환히 비추는 실내라 밝은 분위기.
    6.거의 종일 조용한 주변.
    7.숙소가 오래된 건물이지만 위의 좋은 점들 때문에 그다지 문제 느끼지 못함.
    8.광장시장 근처라 먹거리 좋음.
    9.자차주차시 바로 근처 세운스퀘어 주차장에 일주차 2만원에 가능.
    10.가까이에 마트는 없지만 편의점 여럿 있고 숙소 길건너 스타벅스 있음.
    11.숙소용 쓰레기분리수거장 있어 쓰레기처리 편함.
    12.호스트분 답변 잘해주심.

    근처 볼일 있다면 다시 오고 싶은 숙소.
    그러나 살아봐야지만 아는 컨디션을 적자면 아래와 같음.

    1.서랍장 밑에 옷 라벨, 화장품공병, 집안용 슬리퍼 한짝이 있었는데 워낙집안이 깨끗했기에 문제로 여겨지지 않았음.
    2.서랍장방 콘솔밑 돼지코전기선 고장나있음.스탠드가 불이 안들어와서 스탠드 고장인가 했으나 선이 고장난 것.
    3.젓가락이 6개(6쌍이 아님)있는데, 네개만 짝이 맞고 나머지 두개는 크기가 달라 사용불가. 두쌍만 사용가능.
    4.다른 그릇들은 있으나 접시가 없어 불편. 접시와 가위 정도가 있으면 정말 좋을것 같음.
    5.숙소의 직접적인 문제는 아니나,옆 공업사가 아침 8시경부터 작업을 함. 벽체를 울리는 소리와 진동이 있고 스텐 강철 떨어지는 소음이 매일 아침 한시간반 정도 계속되다 조용해짐.
    6.윗 방 손님들에 따라 저녁시간 쿵쿵거리는 층간소음.
    7.계속 잡아도 어디선가 모기가 계속 나타나서 모기매트 필수. 준비돼있어서 좋았음.

    1. When I checked in, I was impressed by how clean the room was. 2. The springs of all 5 beds are in good condition. 3. Bedding, plenty of large towels, clean and nice. 4. No problems with toilet drainage or shower pressure. 5. The interior is always brightly lit by sunlight, so the atmosphere is bright. 6. Quiet surroundings almost all day. 7. Although the accommodation is an old building, I didn't feel any problems because of the good points above. 8. Good food as it is near Gwangjang Market. 9. If you park your car, you can park your car at the nearby Seun Square parking lot for 20,000 won per day. 10. There is no supermarket nearby, but there are several convenience stores and a Starbucks across the street from the accommodation. 11. There is a garbage collection point for the accommodation, making it easy to dispose of garbage. 12. The host responded well. This is an accommodation you'll want to come back to if you have something to do nearby. However, if you write down the conditions that you have to live with to know, it is as follows. 1. There was a clothes label, a bottle of cosmetics, and a pair of house slippers under the dresser, but it was not considered a problem because the house was so clean. 2. The pig nose electrical wire under the console in the dresser was broken. The stand did not light up so I thought it was a broken stand, but the wire was broken. 3. There are 6 chopsticks (not 6 pairs), but only four match and the remaining two are different sizes and cannot be used. Only two pairs are available. 4. There are other dishes, but there are no plates, which is inconvenient. It would be really nice to have a plate and scissors. 5. It is not a direct problem with the accommodation, but the industrial company next door starts work around 8 in the morning. There was a sound and vibration of the walls and the noise of stainless steel falling, which continued for about an hour and a half every morning before becoming quiet. 6. Banging noise between floors in the evening due to guests in the upper room. 7. Even if you keep catching mosquitoes, mosquitoes keep appearing somewhere, so a mosquito mat is a must. It was nice to be prepared.

    Sep 2022
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  • 아엘

    방이 적당한 크기이고, 캐리어를 펼칠 약간의 공간이 있으며 방마다 옷걸이가 있어 외투보관에 편했습니다. 침구와 수건이 아주 아늑하고 폭신하며 난방도 따듯해요. 계단 아주 조금 있구요. 라면드실거면 컵라면을 추천드리고 (하이라이터라 만족할만큼 끓지 못할거에요) 와이파이 빵빵하고 좋습니다~.~ 근처에 마트는 없지만 편의점 두군데 있고, 동네 배달환경도 좋아요. 물 끓일 때 주방개수대말고 욕실에서 받아서 끓이세요 (주방 필터때문에 물에서 세제향 비슷한 게 나지만 몸엔 해롭지 않아요)

    The room was a good size, there was some space to spread out the suitcase, and there were hangers in each room, making it convenient to store coats. The bedding and towels are very cozy and soft, and the heating is warm. There are very few stairs. If you're going to eat ramen, I recommend cup ramen (it's a highlighter, so it won't boil enough to satisfy you), and the wifi is great and great~.~ There's no supermarket nearby, but there are two convenience stores, and the neighborhood delivery environment is good. When boiling water, boil it in the bathroom instead of the kitchen sink (because of the kitchen filter, the water has a detergent-like scent, but it is not harmful to the body)

    Dec 2021
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Save your money and enjoy Korea more.

Message to지은김

[Duplicated] (Jongno) 3 bedroom + 1 bathroom.


Tell what you like about their place, what matters most about your accomodations, or ask them a question.
Please enter your check-in and check-out dates before messaging the host.

Cancellation Policy: Balance

Standard cancellation policy : Balance

Balance: Full refund (including fees) if canceled at least 14 days before check-in

  • Guests can cancel until 14 days before check-in for a full refund, and the host won’t be paid.
  • If the cancellation occurs between 14 days and 1 day before check-in, 50% of the accommodation fee will be paid to the host. The service fee corresponding to the amount paid to the host will be deducted from the refund.
  • If they cancel after that, the host will be paid for each night they stay, plus 1 additional night, plus 50% for all unspent nights.
Important Notes
For long-term stays of 28 nights or more, the Long Term Firm cancellation policy applies instead of the standard refund policy set by the host.
The cleaning fee is refundable only if the reservation is canceled before check-in.
The service fee is refundable only for cancellations made before the check-in time or check-in.
If service fees are refundable, they will be refunded according to the percentage set by the cancellation policy.
The booking time is based on the final confirmation time, not the guest's booking request time.
The time and date applied to the cancellation policy are based on Korean Standard Time.
A reservation cancellation due to unavoidable reasons such as natural disasters may be eligible for a refund regardless of the refund policy.
View cancelation policy
Cancellation Policy: Long Term Firm

Long term Firm (28 nights or more): Full refund (including fees) if canceled at least 30 days before check-in

-It will apply to all stays of 28 days or longer and overrides your standard cancellation policy for those stays. To receive a full refund, guests must cancel at least 30 days before check-in.
-If a guest cancels after that, you’ll be paid 100% for all nights spent, plus 30 additional nights.
-If fewer than 30 days remain on the reservation when the guest cancels, you’ll be paid 100% for all of those remaining nights.
Important Notes
For long-term stays of 28 nights or more, the Long Term Firm cancellation policy applies instead of the standard refund policy set by the host.
The cleaning fee is refundable only if the reservation is canceled before check-in.
The service fee is refundable only for cancellations made before the check-in time or check-in.
If service fees are refundable, they will be refunded according to the percentage set by the cancellation policy.
The booking time is based on the final confirmation time, not the guest's booking request time.
The time and date applied to the cancellation policy are based on Korean Standard Time.
A reservation cancellation due to unavoidable reasons such as natural disasters may be eligible for a refund regardless of the refund policy.
View cancelation policy

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