안녕하세요! DH 네상스호텔 입니다!

회원가입일 07/06/2021
  • 26
서울 성북구 지정 호텔
최고의 서비스를 자랑하는
인증된 자가격리호텔입니다.
호텔 02-921-2080
이메일 mindrum03@gmail.com

등록 객실 (맵으로 보기)


  • Shang Wenhong

    (조식무료제공)*생필품무료제공* 지정 재택치료호텔 -(복층 룸)

    It was not a pleasant experience that you were notified on the first day of arrival in Seoul that you needed to stay in a quarantine hotel. Fortunately MJ and Jimmy are very helpful and knowledgeable about the quarantine process. They had been lifesavers help communicating and navigating the procedures. And the hotel staff have made the stay safe and as convenient as possible. The hotel location is very convenient, there are many shops, restaurants in walking distance, and it is close to many of the attractions in Seoul.

  • 강 경중

    패밀리룸 대형 자쿠지 럭셔리룸 초특가

  • Tangtanung Supattra

    (조식무료제공) (베이직 룸)

    This hotel very perfect. Staff speak english very well also, they very helpful in case of you need something they will help you as much as they can. And around hotel have many food so you don't worry about how to get you food in each day.

  • Michele Celi

    (조식무료제공)*생필품무료제공* 지정 재택치료호텔 -(복층 룸)

    Very nice place. I spent 1 week quarantine here. Everyone is kind, room are good, clean and quiet. I couldn't expect a better experience. The staff make the difference. After quarantine, you can visit all the nice shops and restaurants around here. I will come again!

  • Kutomi Keisuke

    (조식무료제공)*생필품무료제공* 지정 재택치료호텔 -(복층 룸)

    Excellent service Excellent people

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F 페이스북 로그인

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