안녕하세요! CHOI SUNGCHUL 입니다!

회원가입일 02/18/2013
  • 3


  • Tolentino Carmen

    HY STAY : Room G

    the owner was very friendly and very accomodating,the place was clean and the facilities were all good,near the subway,and other tourist attraction,and thats two thumbs up,value for money will definitely come back soon.

  • Roth Amber

    HY STAY : Room G

    This is my first experience in bnb

  • Hass Viktor

    HY STAY : Room H

    The host is so good, very nice stay. Near to Myeong-dong, it's just in myeong-dong actually. Very sweet and warm. I will book again if we go to Korea again. Ps I forgot that I leave some cake in the fridge, pls help me to throw awa

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